We managed to get four new episodes posted in February which officially quadruples our 2018 output. We are not saying that we are back but we are slow rolling into a trend.
We are pretty sure we lost most of the audience we built but that’s okay. The show was always about having fun creating the show with the hope that an audience would eventually show up.

Of course while the show still shares the same DNA from the early days of FPM Play it has evolved into something new. Jacob was about to turn 6 when we started this journey. Now he is 4 months from turning 13. As he has grown, so has the show.
One of my favorite things to do is go back and listen to older episodes. I have a time capsule of my son growing up that most people do not have. While I share it with the world by putting it on the internet the reality is that it is selfishly for me and I love it
Now that we are recording again I truly hope we can keep it up. Jacob is so much more opinionated about movies, TV shows, music and life in general than he ever was (which is hard to believe). The conversations are going to be more in depth and the topics we cover will be more aligned with his age. I am excited about what 2019 will bring for us and FPM Play. If someone is out there listening, I hope you choose to join in on the conversations and become part of our time capsule. Now back to the show!